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Using the Events Manager

Learn about the main capabilities and pixel management features of TAM Events Manager.

Updated over a week ago

The Events Manager allows you to create pixels and conversion events, view real-time pixel activity, share pixels and several other functions.

View Pixel Activity

Click on View Pixel Activity from the pixel options menu to get more details on the various domains and events sending signals to a specific Teads Pixel. The View Pixel Activity feature offers several options to monitor the pixel activity easily and efficiently.

Filtering options

Different filtering options are available to ensure users can access the desired information.

  • Domain: When a pixel has activity across different domains, the right domain can be selected in this field. It is important to distinguish between domains (,, and subdomains (,,, since only the first type can be filtered.

  • Date: Last 30 days (default), Last 14 days, Last 7 days, Previous Month and Previous Week.

  • Event categories: The 8 Standard Event types are available here: View Content, Search, Add To Wishlist, Add To Cart, Initiate Checkout, Lead, Complete Registration, and Purchase

  • URL: By entering a specific URL or keyword, you can filter and display only the URLs that match your search criteria. Note that only URLs associated with a created and active Conversion Event will be displayed. This field is particularly useful for assessing pixel activity in specific markets, such as filtering by ",," etc.

Conversion Events Details

For each conversion created and with activity, the following information is available:

  • URL: The complete URL where the conversion took place

  • Name: Conversion name (metadata)

  • Last activity: When the conversion was fired for the last time

  • Source: Code based or URL/Keyword based conversion

  • Occurrence: An estimate of the conversion volume

Pixel History

Click the History tab within the View Pixel Activity page to access the history of changes made to the pixel. This log includes the date, time, user name and email associated with pixel and conversion event creation, pixel sharing, and any edits made to the pixel.

Note that only the pixel's owner seat has access to the History tab. The log records changes made after the release of the history feature on March 20th, 2024.

Blocked Domains

Whenever a domain is blocked due to non-compliant pixel implementation, the information will be displayed in the Events Manager. Hover over the red Domains blocked notification to see which domain(s) are currently blocked.

For more information on blocked domains, refer to this article here.

Pixel Management Features

To learn how to perform various pixel and event related tasks using the Events Manager, refer to the articles below:

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