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Comply with Privacy Regulations

In this section you will find information regarding privacy regulations compliance, the Teads Pixel, and details about Teads Privacy Policy.

Updated over 9 months ago

In order to protect users, as well as your business and its media partners, it is vital that you familiarize yourself with the local regulations of the market(s) you are operating in. The information below will provide you with the background necessary to understand how such privacy regulations apply to Teads, and our advertisers' ability to leverage technologies such as the Teads Pixel.


The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the ePrivacy Directive are the European Union legislations that set forth clear and strict guidelines concerning the collection and processing of individuals' personal data, as well as the utilization of tracking technologies for these purposes. Similar regulations also exist in other jurisdictions, and they continue to be added in more countries with the same objective of safeguarding individuals' privacy.

Consent Requirement for Cookies and Pixels

Advertiser obligation: Under these privacy laws, advertisers are mandated to secure explicit and unambiguous consent from individuals on their website before deploying cookies or pixels for the purpose of tracking online activity for targeted advertising. This consent must be freely given, specific, and informed.

The Teads Pixel, when installed on an advertiser's website, should only be triggered to load after obtaining the visitor's consent, in compliance with the laws and regulations applicable in the visitor's country.

Privacy legislation such as GDPR requires that the implementation of tracking technologies on websites adhere to the following rules:

  1. Tracking technology such as the Teads Pixel must be implemented using a Consent Management Platform (CMP)

  2. The CMP should contain the information below:

    "Our website may use a pixel operated by Teads and/or first party cookies in order to optimize our advertising campaigns. Teads tracking technologies only collect information regarding the URL address, the type of device, IP address, browser, and operating system information currently in use. For more information, refer to the full Teads privacy policy.

    Please also note that you have the right to access the personal data Teads holds related to you, and to ask that your personal data be corrected, erased, or transferred. You may also have the right to object to, or request that Teads restrict certain processing, by addressing your request to"

  3. The Teads Pixel must only be loaded after obtaining a valid consent from the site visitor.

A valid CMP (IAB TCF V2 -compliant), on your website or application is a prerequisite when integrating Teads as a vendor for the purposes listed. Even if the advertiser employs a custom CMP, it remains essential to furnish users with clear and transparent details, and secure their prior consent for these activities. Teads should be listed as a third party collecting data on your website for the purposes of:

  • storing and accessing of tracking technologies

  • conversion tracking

  • delivering targeted ads

  • improving Teads product

Privacy Policy Translations

Based on your market's requirements, you may choose to incorporate a version of Teads Privacy policy in an alternative language within your website's CMP:


Si vous avez donné votre consentement, notre site web peut utiliser un pixel exploité par Teads et/ou un first party cookie afin d'optimiser nos campagnes publicitaires. Le traceur de Teads ne recueille que des informations concernant l'adresse URL visitée, les types d'appareils, le navigateur et le système d'exploitation que vous utilisez actuellement ainsi que votre adresse IP. Pour plus d'informations, n'hésitez pas à lire la politique de confidentialité de Teads. Veuillez également noter que vous avez le droit d'accéder aux données personnelles que Teads détiendrait sur vous et de demander que vos données personnelles soient rectifiées, supprimées ou transférées à une autre entité. Vous pouvez également vous opposer à certains traitements ou demander à Teads de les restreindre, en adressant votre demande à


Unsere Website verwendet vorbehaltlich Ihrer Einwilligung ein von Teads gestelltes Pixel oder First Party Cookie, um unsere Werbekampagnen zu optimieren. Diese Teads Tracking-Technologie sammelt Informationen über die URL-Adresse, die Art des Endgeräts, den Browser und das Betriebssystem, das Sie gerade verwenden, und Ihre IP-Adresse. Für weitere Informationen lesen Sie bitte die Datenschutzerklärung von Teads. Bitte beachten Sie auch, dass Sie das Recht haben, Auskunft über die von Teads zu Ihrer Person gespeicherten personenbezogenen Daten zu erhalten und zu verlangen, dass Ihre personenbezogenen Daten berichtigt, gelöscht oder übertragen werden. Sie können auch das Recht haben, einer bestimmten Verarbeitung zu widersprechen oder zu verlangen, dass Teads diese einschränkt. Sie können diese Rechte ausüben, indem Sie sich an Teads unter wenden.


Previo il suo consenso, il nostro sito può utilizzare un pixel gestito da Teads e/o un cookie di prima parte per ottimizzare le nostre campagne pubblicitarie. Il tracker di Teads raccoglie solo informazioni sull’URL visitato, il tipo di dispositivo, il browser, il sistema operativo e l’indirizzo IP. Per ulteriori informazioni, si prega di leggere l’informativa sulla privacy di Teads. La preghiamo inoltre di notare che ha il diritto di accedere ai suoi dati personali in possesso di Teads e di richiedere che siano corretti, cancellati o trasferiti ad un’altra entità. Può anche opporsi a specifici utilizzi o chiedere a Teads di limitarli inviando la sua richiesta a


Si ha dado su consentimiento, nuestro sitio web puede utilizar un píxel operado por Teads y/o un first party cookie para optimizar nuestras campañas publicitarias. El píxel de Teads sólo recoge información sobre la URL visitada, los tipos de dispositivos, el navegador y el sistema operativo que está utilizando actualmente y su dirección IP. Para más información, lea la política de privacidad de Teads. Tenga en cuenta también que tiene derecho a acceder a los datos personales que Teads pueda tener sobre usted y a solicitar que sus datos personales sean corregidos, eliminados o transferidos a otra entidad. También puede oponerse a determinados tratamientos o pedir a Teads que los restrinja enviando su solicitud a


Site-ul nostru web poate utiliza un pixel operat de Teads și/sau un first party cookie, după obținerea consimțământului dumneavoastră, pentru a optimiza campaniile noastre publicitare. Tehnologia de urmărire Teads colectează doar informații referitoare la adresa URL, tipurile de dispozitive, informații despre browser și sistemul de operare pe care le utilizați în prezent, adresa IP. Pentru mai multe informații, nu ezitați să citiți politica de confidențialitate Teads. Vă rugăm să rețineți, de asemenea, că aveți dreptul de a accesa datele personale pe care Teads le deține despre dumneavoastră și de a solicita corectarea, ștergerea sau transferul datelor dumneavoastră personale. De asemenea, puteți avea dreptul de a vă opune sau de a solicita ca Teads să restricționeze anumite prelucrări, adresându-vă cererea la

Consequences of Non-Compliance

The objective of these regulations is to uphold the privacy rights of individuals, and allow them to decline any data processing if they wish to. It is essential for Teads and its advertising partners to respect our users' decisions regarding the use of their data.

Data Protection Authorities conduct regular audits of companies to assess GDPR adherence, making it a priority for Teads to maintain strict legal compliance, and prevent any potential penalties stemming from violations to these laws.

Automatic daily check

Teads has developed tools and processes to verify that pixels are fired only after obtaining the individual's consent.

Teads conducts a daily scan to verify that consent and pixels are appropriately implemented to safeguard user privacy. In cases where a domain is found to be non-compliant, Teads will block signals coming from that domain's pixel. Such measures ensure the protection of the user's privacy and the compliance with local laws for Teads and its advertising partners.

When a website's domain name is blocked, all data processing activities are halted, including page views, events, conversions, visits, qualified visits, time spent, and more.

Advertiser notifications

In the event that a pixel gets blocked, our system will promptly generate notifications within Teads Ad Manager's Events Manager section. These notifications will clearly indicate the specific domain name affected.

Additionally, when you choose one of your brands during the campaign creation process, you will be able to discern which advertisers are impacted by this restriction.

How to check if your pixel is fired pre-consent (not compliant) or post-consent (compliant)?

  1. Install the free Teads Pixel Helper (Google Chrome Extension). This helper tool is the recommended method to verify that your pixels are firing properly.
    You can install it by clicking here.

  2. Once installed you will see the Teads Pixel Helper with one notification if the pixel is detected on the page.
    By clicking on the icon, you will see a “Page View” mention if the pixel is fired.

Warning: You must ensure that "Page View" is not displayed before the user has given his consent via the CMP.

For more information about the Teads Pixel Helper, refer to this article here.


Prior to the deployment of any advertiser or analytics tracking technologies such as pixels or cookies, it is imperative to first secure user consent.

Tracking activities conducted before obtaining consent will be subject to blocking, as deemed necessary. It is crucial to ensure that your pixel is configured correctly to harness the full range of capabilities offered by our advertising solutions. This not only allows you to optimize your return on investment, but also ensures compliance with relevant laws and respects the privacy of users

Further documentation

Refer to the full Teads Privacy Policy here.

Download PDF versions of our privacy compliance guides below:

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