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Custom Audiences

This section will show how you can create a Custom Audience in your TAM seat, for more bespoke targeting needs.

Updated over 2 weeks ago

Teads Audiences should cover 90% of client’s briefs. However, to answer specific targeting needs, we have to give on-demand access to our data foundation.

The Custom Audience targeting feature lets you create highly targeted audiences by adding users with similar attributes from Teads Audiences, third-party data providers, or Page Topics.

User Signals:

  • Teads Audiences: A combination of Teads 1st, 2nd, and 3rd party data sources to craft relevant audiences

  • Partner's Data: Self-serve access to 250+ best-in-class 3rd party data providers

  • Page Topics: Semantic analysis of publisher page content

Custom Audiences Templates:

In order to answer your most requested types of audiences, Teads experts have developed ready-made templates for all Teads verticals, including Automotive, Entertainment, FMCG, Travel, Technology etc.

Teads experts have meticulously incorporated the most relevant sources globally in order to offer the best balance between reach and accuracy across all markets, while also maximizing cookieless audience coverage.

The custom template library can be accessed via Data Management > Custom Audiences section.

You can leverage these templates in two ways for campaign activation or planning:

  • During the Custom Audience creation process: import a template to pre-fill your Custom Audience.

  • Generate a new Custom Audience directly from a template.

Custom Audiences (Standard):

If the custom templates do not meet your targeting requirements, there are 2 ways to build your own Custom Audience:

  • Building a Custom Audience from Data Management

    • Go to the Data Management Tab > Custom Audiences section and select Create Custom Audience > Select Custom Audience Standard

  • Creating a Custom Audience from line item

    • Select your standard line item > Targeting > Custom Audiences> New Audience

Note: “New CTV Custom Audience” is only available when your seat is eligible for Connected TV. Use this option to create CTV-compatible Custom Audiences to target on CTV line items.

Note: Any Custom Audience created in TAM will only be available within the account that it has been created in.

How to build Custom Audiences

Follow the steps below to create your Custom Audience:

  1. Name the Custom Audience:

    • We suggest using a memorable name or implementing a naming convention that includes the country, advertiser, campaign, or relevant audience name. This will make it easier to locate and identify the Custom Audience.

  2. Choose the relevant market(s)

    • Based on your brief, to visualize the audience reach for the selected country/countries at a detailed level. This step is also important for the cookieless auto translation feature to operate within the correct markets

  3. Add groups

    • Groups enables you to combine Teads Audiences, third-party data sources, and page topics to create a Custom Audience with broad reach.

    • Each "Group" uses an OR logic, meaning that any data source within the same group will deliver based on an OR condition.

    • AND logic:
      By clicking " Add Group", this means that you are narrowing your audience down further, ensuring that you are only targeting users that meet the criteria of Group 1 AND Group 2.

      Try not to create too many "Groups" as this could impact your scale and campaign delivery.

    • 🚫 Exclude:
      By clicking "🚫 Exclude", this means that you are narrowing your audience down further, ensuring that you are only targeting users that meet the criteria of Group 1 EXCLUDING Group 2.

  4. Review the estimated reach of your Custom Audience at the overall audience level or down to the group level:

    • Total Ad opportunities for the selected countries

    • Total number of Teads IDs for the selected countries

    • How these compare to the total estimated Ad opportunities and Teads IDs for the selected countries

    • % of Reach vs Reach available in your selected country

    • Cookieless ad opportunities vs. Total Ad Opportunities by Country when clicking into "estimations breakdown".

Note: Limitations apply when setting up combinations.

  • Maximum number of groups per Custom Audience: 5

  • Maximum number of segments per group: 50

5. Click on "Save as Custom Audience".

Note: If your Custom Audience is heavily cookie based (using mainly 3p data segments), you will notice a tickbox "select this option to translate your audience to deliver in cookieless", this option is selected by default. You can choose to opt out however, it is recommended to keep this in order to maximise your audience scale in cookieless environments.

Please note that the translation will be performed on the countries selected at the top of your audience, a separate translation per country will be created.

After you have created a Custom Audience, follow the below steps to apply them to your campaign:

  1. Select your campaign either by creating a new campaign or editing an existing one.

  2. Select your line item > Targeting > Custom Audience

  3. You can search for it either with the name or ID & select to apply it.

  4. Review the bid requests estimations in your targeting summary to ensure sufficient scale for delivery.

Note: If your Custom Audience was auto translated when you built it, the relevant cookieless translation will be added to the line item by default, dependant on the country selected (e.g. if multiple countries were created, only the relevant country's translated audience will appear based on the geo location selected in the line item)

If you require to edit your Custom Audience, you can do so by going back to where the Custom Audience was created:

  • Within Data Manager, or

  • In the line item's Data Manager

Warning: If you edit a Custom Audience that you had also performed cookieless translations against, the translations will not automatically update. You will need to manually translate the audience in order to use the updated signals (see cookieless Custom Audience section below for further details)

Understanding a standard Custom Audience planning estimation output

  • Planning estimations are based Monthly Ad Opportunities and Monthly Teads IDs

  • Monthly Ad Opportunities = refers to the maximum potential opportunities to deliver an ad on a monthly basis. This is not a reflection of deliverable impressions, as the estimation is unable to account for competition/price/frequency capping etc.

  • Monthly Teads IDs = refers to the potential monthly reach. Teads IDs are associated with browsers or devices, not people. If a person uses multiple devices, such as a phone, a tablet, and two different browsers on a laptop, each device or browser is identified separately. Similarly, if people share a computer or a device, a single Teads ID might represent multiple people.

Best practices when creating Custom Audiences

  • Consider using Teads Audiences as your primary option if there is an existing audience that aligns with your custom build. Teads Audiences are curated to offer both scale and accuracy.

  • If a Teads Audience covers the requirements of a specific "group," there is no need to apply other data sources that cover the same topic. Teads Audiences already include the most accurate and scalable sources for each country.

  • In cases where a Teads Audience is unavailable, explore the other 3rd Party Data sources within the same "Group." These segments will be presented in hierarchical order based on scale, and you can assess the number of Teads IDs associated with each segment to determine its inclusion.

  • Page topics can be utilized to enhance scale if Teads Audiences or 3rd party sources do not provide sufficient coverage.

Cookieless Custom Audiences:

Cookieless Custom Audiences provide a solution for users who wish to implement audience targeting in a cookieless environment. This serves as a pivotal solution to future-proof campaigns in a cookieless environment, addressing our clients' custom requirements.

Automated Cookieless Translation

There are two stages where the auto translation feature will be available:

  1. At the Custom Audience creation, if your audience relies heavily on cookie-based 3p data sets

  2. Within the line item, if your selected audience relies heavily on cookie-based 3p data sets and was not translated at creation

Auto Translation at Custom Audience creation:

This is the recommended way of translating your audience, for a quick and seamless activation.

  1. If your audience is heavily cookiebased, when you click "Save as Custom Audience" you will notice a tickbox "select this option to translate your audience to deliver in cookieless", this option is selected by default. You can choose to opt out however, it is recommended to keep this in order to maximise your audience scale in cookieless environments.

Note: The translation will be performed on the countries selected at the top of your audience and a separate translation per country will be created.

2. Add your original Custom Audience to the line item and the translated audience will automatically be added alongside this

Note: If the audience was translated in multiple countries, the translation that will be used will be based on the country selected in the line item.

Warning: If you go back and edit a Custom Audience that you had also performed cookieless translations against, the translations will not automatically update. You will need to manually translate the audience in order to use the updated signals (see manual translation section for more information)

Auto Translation within the line item:

Within your line item, this feature allows you to estimate the volume of cookieless ad opportunities based on your targeting, and translate your audience to cookieless in a single click:

Note: if your audience was auto translated at Custom Audience creation, the translated audience will automatically appear and this step will not show.

Additionally if you manually translated your audience and applied this to the line item already the feature will not display

As you can see in the first image, the audience selected relies too much on cookies and is recommended to translate:

By clicking "Scale your audience" the available ad opportunities increases from 15% to 23%, as cookieless audiences allow you to deliver on browsers that do not support cookies.

Note: The translation will be based on the country selected in the line item. If you have multiple line items (per country etc), using cookie-based Custom Audiences, this will need to be performed in each line item

There are numerous advantages to this feature :

  • Gain insights on your level of dependency on cookies

  • Make informed budget adjustments towards a cookieless audience

  • Gain incremental reach within cookieless environments

  • Translate to cookieless audiences in real time

Creating a Cookieless Translation Manually

There are 2 ways to get to the Cookieless translator from the Data Management tab:

  • Click on Create Custom Audience > Select Cookieless Translation from the dropdown list > You will be redirected to the Cookieless translator tab

  • Click on Cookieless Translator from the left bar > you will be redirected to the Cookieless translator tab

Follow the steps below to create your cookieless Custom Audience:

  1. Start by selecting the audience you wish to translate. The audience source could be from the following:

    • Custom Audience: that was created previously

    • First Party Audiences: DMP: 1st party segment onboarded through the client's DMP

    • First Party Audiences: Pixel

  2. Select the country for which the translation will be executed.

    • Only 1 country can be selected.

    • When created from a translation, the country specified beforehand will be retrieved.

  3. Click Translate to generate the results.

  4. To apply to a campaign, simply add the translated audience under the Custom Audiences section of the line item targeting

Additional Optimization features for a Cookieless Translation

  • Edit the translated cookieless audience by clicking the Option Dropdown

    • Accuracy Levels : define the most appropriate trade-off between scale and accuracy for age/gender with 5 accuracy levels available . Those levels can be used depending of their needs:

      • Standard Level : set-up by default, it will offer the best combination between scale and accuracy.

      • Reach Level : to extend the reach available when the campaign has strict targeting rules or delivery issues.

      • Accuracy Level : to ensure the best on-target scores possible when campaigns are measured with third party providers like Nielsen DAR or Comscore VCE. Be careful, by selecting this option the scale will be impacted.

    • Cookieless Dimensions : edit dimensions to be taken into account in the combination for the translated audience.

      • Device type (desktop, mobile, tablet)

      • OS

      • Browser

      • Teads contextual

      • Device name

      • Website

Understanding a translated Custom Audience output

  • The translator provides combinations of dimensions that do not rely on user identification (cookies or MAIDs).

  • Dimensions available are:

    • Teads Audiences demographics (Age & gender)

    • Device type (desktop, mobile, tablet)

    • OS

    • Browser

    • Teads contextual

    • Device name

    • Website

  • Logical operators used

    • Each combination is composed of cookieless dimensions, operated with a AND between dimensions. This logic ensures accuracy of the translation

    • OR logical operator is used between each line. This logic ensures activation of the translation by providing scale.

  • Rank = results ranked based on their index

  • Index = shows how this combination is over represented compared to the average digital population (average being 100)

  • Ad Opportunities = refers to the maximum potential opportunities to deliver an ad on a monthly basis based on the combination output

Note: all estimations in a translated cookieless audience - Index, Ad Opportunity, Teads ID etc. - are for a single country that has been specified. This behaviour inherits from Translation where results are country specific.

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