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First Party Audiences

View the process and full steps to leveraging your 1st party data in Teads Ad Manager.

Updated over a week ago

Leverage your first party audience

Using your first party data is the perfect solution to re-engage with your customers online or suppress an audience to deliver a different message.

Below outlines how you can find this under campaign set-up:

  1. Click on Targeting and under Audience click on > First Party Audiences to access the first party audience targeting solutions.

  2. From the dropdown, choose to include or exclude the relevant 1st party segments.

Note: Logical operator AND applies between different selectors, for example between a Teads Audience inserted and a First Party Audience.

You can find details of the first-party audience solutions below:

From onboarded data

Leverage your online or offline information that your customers have shared with you.

Teads supports 1st party data onboarding through select Data Management Platforms:

  • Neustar

  • Nielsen

  • Liveramp

Refer below for the on-boarding process:

  • The on-boarding process is different according to the DMP you are using. To initiate this process, reach out to your Enterprise Solution point of contact to coordinate the on-boarding in our platform.

  • Depending on the DMP, the data on-boarding process can take between 5 to 14 business days.

  • Once the onboarding is complete, the 1st party segments will be available in your seat through the Data Management tab in Teads Ad Manager, under the First Party Audiences section.

  • Consult the list of segments onboarded and the associated reach within the Data Management.


  • We do not support custom integrations through DMPs we are not directly integrated with.

  • We are only able to onboard cookie data and unable to onboard CRM data (such as email, name etc). To initiate this process, clients should first reach out to industry players providing this service (Liveramp for instance) before sending their segments over to Teads.

  • We have implemented safeguards to ensure that our advertisers' first-party data is siloed per advertiser when onboarded to our platform. Additionally, a manual step is required to verify which advertiser segments a TAM seat is authorized to use in a self-serve capacity.

  • There are specific targeting rules we are unable to handle (e.g. we do not support custom segments using 1st party and 3rd party data). Reach out to your Enterprise Solution point of contact in order to check feasibility.

From creatives

The remarketing feature allows you to retarget based on users behavior on any Teads creative, including impressions, clicks or time viewed.

  • Remarketing segments are only available for Branding and Click campaign, but may be accessible via Advanced targeting.

  • Remarketing for Cookieless is not available.

To initiate this feature, reach out to your Enterprise Solution point of contact to enable it for your Seat.

Note: We have implemented safeguards to ensure that remarketing segments are siloed per advertiser. A segment is only visible if the campaign's advertiser matches the one used in the segment.

From website events

This feature allows you to retarget website visitors who have performed a specific action, from simply visiting your website to adding an item to their cart, using the Teads Universal Pixel.

Before setting up a retargeting strategy for your campaign, ensure that you have followed Teads' recommendations:

  • Retargeting lines should only be used in conjunction with an existing line strategy.

    • A campaign should not rely solely on retargeting as Teads might not have the necessary supply to support 100% retargeting.

  • To increase your chances of winning opportunities, we recommend setting a higher price than the market average for your retargeting line (at least three times the standard rate card).

  • You can use multiple retargeting segments simultaneously to increase your overall reach.

  • The available retargeting segments are unique to each advertiser.

    • If the advertiser is changed during campaign setup, the retargeting options will be reset and you will see the following message:

Below are the steps to enable retargeting from website events:

  1. A Teads pixel has to be created and active for the advertiser for which you want to create a retargeting strategy‌.

  2. When creating the campaign, once you have selected the advertiser for which the campaign will be running, go to the Targeting block under the "First Party Audiences" section

  3. Under "From websites events", select the standard event categories you want to positively or negatively target.


  • Teads Pixel keeps the visitor information during a rolling 28 days period.

  • Our current methodology is relies on identifying users through cookies. As cookies are phasing out soon, we will transition to leveraging alternative mechanisms for user identification.

From lookalike

Lookalike modelling provides for higher media efficiency and ensures to only display the ad to the client's relevant audiences. If you are running a Branding campaign, you can create a lookalike model to:

  • target users that are similar to prospects & customers (also known as ‘statistical twins’).

  • amplify your advertiser 1st party data in order to identify a larger pool of customers.

  • block similar users alongside your advertiser 1st party data.

To initiate this feature, reach out to your Enterprise Solution point of contact to enable it for your Seat and create a lookalike model off your desired segment.


  • Teads Look-a-like modeling segment includes the seed segment by default. If you are looking to target similar prospects or larger pools of customers while excluding your actual customers, negatively target the seed segment instead.

  • We have implemented safeguards to ensure that remarketing segments are siloed per advertiser. A segment is only visible if the campaign's advertiser matches the one used in the segment.

Cookieless for first party audiences

Translating first party audiences and retargeting segments for Cookieless Reach

Use Teads Cookieless Translator to find cookieless users with similar online behaviour to implement a a more robust targeting strategy. The Cookieless Translator serves as a pivotal solution to future-proof campaigns in a cookieless environment.

The Cookieless Translator allows you to translate a cookie-based segments into a cookieless audience. The tool analyses Teads IDs’ profiles from the audience source and selects the best cookieless dimensions to combine for targeting.

How to translate a first party audience

  1. Under Data Management, on the right hand side select > Cookieless Translator

  2. Under Audience Source choose between:

    • first party audiences: DMP (1st party segment onboarded through the client's DMP)

    • first party audiences: pixel (segment based client's website event)

  3. Select the country for which the translation will be executed.

    • Only 1 country can be selected.

    • When created from a translation, the country specified beforehand will be retrieved.

  4. Click Translate to generate the results.

  5. To apply to a campaign, the cookieless custom audience can be retrieved by selecting Cookieless targeting mode:


  • Loading results: depending on the audience source, it can take between seconds to minutes before the results appear.

  • Translations can be saved by generating a cookieless custom audience. All saved audiences can be found in Data Management > Custom Audiences

  • Generate new translations from the same seed overtime, in order to get the most updated results

Understand cookieless translator output

  • The translator provides combinations of dimensions that do not rely on user identification (cookies or MAIDs).

  • Dimensions available are:

    • Teads Audiences demographics (Age & gender)

    • Device type (desktop, mobile, tablet)

    • OS

    • Browser

    • Teads contextual

    • Device name

    • Website

  • Logical operators used

    • Each combination is composed of cookieless dimensions, operated with a AND between dimensions. This logic ensures accuracy of the translation

    • OR logical operator is used between each line. This logic ensures activation of the translation by providing scale.

  • Rank = results ranked based on their index

  • Index = shows how this combination is over represented compared to the average digital population (average being 100)

Ad Opportunities = refers to the maximum potential opportunities to deliver an ad on a monthly basis based on the combination output.

Note: all estimations in a translated cookieless audience - Index, Ad Opportunity, Teads ID etc. - are for a single country that has been specified. This behaviour inherits from Translation where results are country specific.

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