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About Campaign Dashboard, Conversion

In the Campaign Dashboard's Conversion tab, you can monitor your Conversion campaign using the Event funnel, trend graph and data table.

Updated over a week ago


Within the Conversions tab, you can analyze your campaign's event funnel to identify which events are driving conversions. The trend graph allows you to compare the evolution of key metrics over time. Additionally, the data table below provides a detailed breakdown of results for deeper insights.

Event Funnel

The conversion funnel consists of 8 standard Teads events that track users during their conversion journey on advertiser websites. Setting up and measuring these conversion events is crucial for tracking user actions and understanding the end-to-end user journey. The funnel allows businesses to monitor performance related to conversions, identify where users drop off during the conversion process.

Data table

Here, you can view key metrics by event and line item, along with the specified lookback window of the conversion.

Note: The lookback value displayed here refers to the Conversion event.







The total number of conversions.



Average cost per conversion.


Revenue Attributable

The total revenue measured based on the metadata (price) from the conversion events (for example purchase).


Return on Ad Spend

Total Revenue attributable to Teads divided by the total budget delivered.

Conversions Post Click

Conversions Post Click

The total count of desired actions (e.g., Purchase, Add to Cart) taken by users after clicking on an ad. A single click may result in multiple conversions for a given user, such as adding several items to their cart.

Conversions Post Click

Conversion Rate Post Click

The percentage of users who clicked on an ad and subsequently performed a desired action, calculated as (total number of post-click conversions / total number of clicks). It is based on the selected post-click lookback window.

Conversions Post View

Conversions Post View

The total number of times people took a desired action (e.g., Purchase, AddToCart…), after viewing an ad.

Conversions Post View

Conversion Rate Post View

The total count of desired actions (e.g., Purchase, Add to Cart) taken by users after viewing an ad. A single view may result in multiple conversions for a given user, such as adding several items to their cart.

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