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Redesigned Creative Setup Experience

Learn more about the new creative setup experience

Updated over a week ago

The new creative setup experience comes with:

  • A revamped and more appealing UI for creative options, showcasing self-serve formats

  • Streamlined creative setup workflow and usability improvements

  • Support for Creative Editor VAST tags (Branding & Traffic Acquisition)

  • VAST wrapping option for Single & Social Video Creative Editor in Traffic Acquisition

New creative options redesign

Branding campaigns:

Screenshot 2022-06-07 at 13.51.52.png

Traffic Acquisition campaigns:

Screenshot 2022-06-07 at 13.47.55.png

When adding new creatives, you'll notice the self-serve formats showcased at the top, with animated previews on hover. Clicking the format opens the Creative Editor.

  • Branding formats: Video upload, Social Video, Social Image and MPU Banner.

    • The two Social layouts are now grouped together and can be selected via the layout icon below the format preview.

  • Traffic Acquisition formats: Single/Social Video, Single/Social Image, Carousel and MPU Banner.

    • Use the layout icon below the format preview to choose between Single Video/Image and Social layouts.

VAST creative tags can now be set up using a generic VAST tag option, which automatically detects the format & size in most cases.

  • For Branding, you can use it for Studio video and display creatives, 3rd party video creatives, and also Social Creative Editor tags.

  • For Traffic Acquisition, you can use it for Performance and Social Creative Editor tags.

Finally, the Javascript option allows adding a third party display banner tag from a supported ad server: Google Campaign Manager (DCM) and Sizmek.


  • When adding a new creative via the Assign flow, the creative options are filtered based on the line item creative category selection: Video or Display.

  • Once you save a VAST creative, you can change the VAST tag but cannot change the creative category: Video or Display.

Streamlined Creative Editor

Creative Editor is now streamlined and consists of one step, where you can configure all creatives details, including those previously available in a second step: Creative Name, External Code, Flight Dates and Third Party Tracking.

New video upload editor

In Branding campaigns, the Video creative format option opens a new video upload editor, with a UI similar to the other Creative Editors. The Video VAST option is now available in the VAST tag editor.

Creative size is determined automatically based on the video dimensions.

branding new creative video upload.png

New VAST tag editor

In Branding campaigns, all VAST based creatives can now be set up using the generic VAST tag option:

  • Studio video and display formats

  • 3rd party video creatives

  • and now also Social Creative Editor tags (if provided by Teads).

    • Note: CE Performance formats are not supported in Branding campaigns.

In Traffic Acquisition campaigns, you can use the VAST tag option to add Performance and Social Creative Editor tags.

  • Useful in cases when such creatives are initially built by Teads for demo purposes.

  • Note that Studio or third party VAST tags are not supported.

The VAST editor automatically detects the format & size of VAST tags in most cases.

  • For Creative Editor tags, the detected format & size cannot be changed. Detection works also for IAS/DV wrapped VAST tag URLs.

  • Branding campaigns! For Studio, the detected format & size can be changed in case the creative no longer reflects the original template. If the format & size cannot be determined e.g. 3rd party creatives, wrapped tags etc. you can select the format & size.

branding new creative vast not detected.png

VAST wrapping for Traffic Acquisition video creatives

Single Video and Social Video Creative Editor now provide a VAST wrapping option when you click +Add Tracking. You can get the creative VAST tag and add the wrapped VAST received from your 3rd party provider: IAS (Integral Ad Science) or DoubleVerify.

traffic acq single video vast wrapper 1.png
traffic acq single video vast wrapper 2.png

If you have a Creative Editor VAST tag from Teads, you must first have it wrapped by IAS or DoubleVerify and then add the wrapped VAST tag directly into the VAST creative editor.

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