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Install the Teads Universal Pixel on your website
Install the Teads Universal Pixel on your website

Learn to implement a Teads Universal Pixel on your website to optimize the performance of your Middle and Lower funnel campaigns

Updated over a month ago

After you have followed the steps outlined here to create your Teads Universal Pixel, refer to the instructions below on how to install it:

Directly on your website

  1. Once your pixel has been created, you can view the Pixel Code by locating the appropriate pixel in the Events Manager and expanding the options menu.

  2. Click on Copy Code Snippet to copy the script to your clipboard, or select the Download option to save the code in your computer as a text file.

  3. Paste the code between the <head></head> tags of the pages of your website, ensuring that the deployment of the Teads Pixel complies with the data protection laws of your jurisdiction, which may include obtaining explicit consent from individuals.

  4. Obtaining user consent before loading the Teads Pixel is mandatory for advertisers operating in the European Union, United Kingdom, and Brazil. Advertisers must use a cookie Consent Management Platform (CMP), such as Cookiebot, OneTrust, or a similar service. The CMP should:

    • Display a banner when users visit your site.

    • Allow users to accept or reject cookies in categories (e.g., strictly necessary, analytics, marketing).

    • Block non-essential cookies until consent is given.

    Below is an example script that checks for consent before setting the pixel. Please refer to your Consent Management Platform (CMP) documentation for instructions to your specific setup:

      <!-- Cookie Consent Manager Script -->
    <script src="" async></script>

    // Listen for the CMP's consent event (e.g., Cookiebot, OneTrust)
    window.addEventListener('CMPConsentUpdated', function() { // Replace "CMPConsentUpdated" with your CMP's event
    const consent = window.CMP.getConsent(); // Adapt to your CMP's method

    if (consent?.marketing) { // Replace "marketing" with your CMP's category
    const teadsScript = document.createElement('script');
    teadsScript.src = '';
    teadsScript.async = true;
    teadsScript.onload = function() {
    window.teads_e = window.teads_e || [];
    window.teads_buyer_pixel_id = #####; // Replace ##### with your pixel ID

With Google Tag Manager (GTM)

  1. Select the Workspace associated with your website.

  2. Click Add a new Tag

  3. Click on Tag Configuration

  4. Click on Discover more tag types in the Community Template Gallery

  5. Search for "Teads" and select the tag named Teads Advertiser Pixel

  6. Click the Add to workspace button to add the tag template to your Workspace.

  7. Select Tags from the menu and click New

  8. In Tag Configuration, select Teads Advertiser Pixel.

  9. Enter your Pixel ID from the Events Manager section in Teads Ad Manager into the Teads Identifier input in Google Tag Manager.

  10. Select the Teads Universal Pixel option. The advertiser event option is only to be used for conversion event tracking.

  11. Select a trigger (to define when the tag is fired). For Universal Pixel implementations, depending on the privacy regulations of your country, the trigger could be All Pages Page View or a Custom Event.

  12. Obtaining user consent before loading the Teads Pixel is mandatory for advertisers operating in the European Union, United Kingdom and Brazil. Please refer to your Consent Management Platform (CMP) documentation for guidance, or visit this page for detailed instructions on integrating your chosen CMP via GTM.

  13. Publish the changes to implement them on the website. You can also preview the implementation before publishing

Caution: Teads Pixel relies on a first-party cookie to measure the performance of your campaigns effectively. As a result, the pixel must not be integrated within an iframe or similar container that would prevent a first party cookie from being applied.

If you use Campaign Manager Floodlights, implement the Teads Pixel using Google Tag Manager, as outlined here.

For other tag managers using iframes, contact your provider for documentation on custom html tag implementation.

After implementing the pixel, Teads Ad Manager's Events Manager enables you to create conversion events and provides comprehensive statistics on your pixel and the conversions that you have created.

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