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Troubleshoot 3rd Party Discrepancies

This section will cover how to check 3rd party tag implementation and troubleshoot 3rd party discrepancies

Updated over a week ago

Troubleshooting Tag Discrepancies

Occasionally, discrepancies may occur between 3rd party tags and the data displayed in Teads Ad Manager. These discrepancies can arise from human errors during implementation or server-to-server variations. It is important to investigate any discrepancies exceeding 10% as a standard industry practice. However, if the discrepancy falls within the range of 10% or less, there is no cause for alarm.

How to verify tags implemented in Teads Ad Manager

  1. Navigate to your campaign dashboard

  2. Click Summary

  3. Click on the Line Item that the discrepancy creative is attached to in order to expand the details of that line item.

  4. Under the expanded line item, go to the creative section and click on the Demo link

  5. This will open up the demo page that will show the billable and 3rd party pixels firing

  6. On the demo page, open up the browsers debugging tool by right click and select Inspect

  7. Once the inspect tool is opened, navigate to the Network section and re-load the demo page. Once the page is re-loaded and the creative appears the different tracking elements will begin to fire in order as they do fire.

  8. In the filter section on the debugging tool, filter by the 3rd party vendor, ex: "doubleclick" for DCM pixel to ensure it will fire:

We can see the doubleclick impression pixel firing correctly, so need to ensure that it is firing at the same time as the correlated Teads tracking event.

In the above example. we can see the Teads Start (CPM billable event) is firing at the same time as the doubleclick impression (or billable) pixel fires showing that there is not a discrepancy between Teads and DCM.


  • The preview link in the creative library will not show the pixels firing but just show how the creative looks and how it will render in a live environment

  • The line item will need to be active in order to preview the creative and see the different pixels fire.

How to fix the discrepancy

  1. Go to the Creative library within your Teads Ad Manager campaign.

  2. Click on Edit for the specific creative you want to inspect.

  3. Navigate to the tracking section and verify that the 3rd party pixel is associated with the same event you are analyzing in Teads reporting.

    • If you are using DCM (DoubleClick Campaign Manager) at billing event "start" of a CPCV (Cost Per Completed View) campaign, the billables in TAM may be lower than the data shown by the DCM pixel if the DCM pixel is attached to the start or impression event.

  4. Once confirmed, check the functionality of the 3rd party pixel within the browser to ensure it is active and firing correctly:

    • Copy the pixel code.

    • Paste the code into a browser address bar.

    • Press Enter to execute the code.

    • Verify if the pixel fires correctly and returns a 1x1 pixel.

By following these steps, you can ensure the correct implementation and functioning of the 3rd party pixel in your Teads Ad Manager campaign.

If it is correctly implemented and an active 3rd party pixel, contact Teads via Teads Intercom for assistance.

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