Optimize a Clicks Campaign

This article covers the bid strategies available to improve the performance of Middle Funnel campaigns using the Clicks solution.

Updated over a week ago

The automated bidding strategies described below are designed to assist you in achieving your campaign objectives. These strategies harness the capabilities of Teads Buying Engine's AI to optimize for specific KPIs. To maximize performance, ensure that the campaign's targeting reach, creative variations, and budget allocation are optimized according to the guidelines outlined in our best practices.

For Clicks campaigns, you have the option to select from the following bidding strategies:

  • Cost per click

    • The optimization of cost per click performance should always be managed through the use of the automated bidding strategy for "Minimizing Effective Cost Per Click". Teads Ad Manager will automatically seek to deliver the lowest cost per click possible while prioritizing the delivery of the budget.

  • Click-through rate

    • Select the bidding strategy "Reach Target Click-Through Rate" and apply your CTR objective as the target. Teads Ad Manager will optimize the delivery of your campaign to reach the specified goal, but will stop delivery if the goal is deemed unachievable after the learning phase. If the campaign begins to pace below the daily rate objective, the CTR goal will need to be lowered or the targeting expanded in order to restore the pace.

For additional guidance or information on benchmarks for specific markets, reach out to the Teads support team via Intercom.

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